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# Automatic Event Tracking

# 1.Monitor HTML element Clicked Events

If you want to track click events on elements of the page, you can use trackLink to monitor HTML elements in batches:

    tag: ["a", "button"], //HTML tag
    class: ["class1", "class2"], //Custom Class name
    id: ["id1", "id2"] //custom ID name
  "click", //he name of the trace event
    production: "production",
    name: "name"
  } //event properties
  • The first parameter is the element you need to monitor. The type is a JSON object, which supports tracking the page element to be monitored according to the HTML tag , class, and id.For elements that meet the rules, the click event of the element will be monitored through the event listener. When the listening element is clicked, an event will be reported. The event name and event properties take the value of the next two parameters
  • The second parameter is the name of the event, which is of string type.
  • The third parameter is the property of the event, and the type is a JSON object. If there is no property to be reported, an empty JSON can be passed in
  • The event property name is the ID of the element. If the event property name is not set in parameter.We will use the property value of the monitored element as the element identifier. The value priority is as follows:

1.Custom attribute 'td-name' of the value element

2.The innerHTML of the element

3.The value of the element

4.If none of them are fetched, pass 'ID not obtained'.

When trackLink is called, it will set an event listener for elements that meet the rules. After the API is called, the identity of the element changes, or a new element that meets the rules is generated, and the event reported by the listener will not change accordingly. If you need to monitor newly generated elements, you can call trackLink after the elements are generated.

# 2.Page show and hide event

By default, the SDK does not collect these events, which can be configured through the config initialized by the SDK.

var config = {
    appId: 'xxx',
    serverUrl: 'xxx',
    autoTrack: {
     //enable ta_page_show event
     pageShow: true,
     //enable ta_page_hide event
     pageHide: true,

ta_page_hide event will put the duration of the page from displaying to closing into the property#duration

# 3.Browse Events

TE provides an API for auto-tracking view page event.You only need to use the following code, and SDK will automatically upload the event of the user browsing the page, and the event name is ta_pageview:


Support custom properties:

ta.quick('autoTrack', {
    name: 'test_name',
    time: new Date(),
    pro: [1, 2, 3, 4],

When this API is called, a view page event will be reported immediately