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# Support Native

# 1. Support iOS Native

# 1.1 Building an iOS Project

  • Create an iOS project
  • Open HBuilderX- Publish - Generate App package resources
  • Copy the locally packaged App resources to the Pandora -> apps path in the project directory

# 1.2 Configuring the iOS Project

  • Add iOS project dependency files

Install the SDK using CocoaPods

Create and edit Podfile content (edit directly if you already have it) :

Create a Podfile, project (.xcodeproj) file in the same directory as the command line:

pod init

Edit Podfile as follows:

pod 'TAGameEngine'

Running the Installation Command

pod install

# 2.Support Android Native

# 1.1 Building an Android Project

  • Create an Android project
  • Open HBuilderX- Publish - Generate App package resources
  • Copy app resources to project assets->apps

# 2.2 Configuring the Android Project

  • Add the following configuration dependencies to the build.gradle file at the Project
buildscript {
    repositories {
  • Add the dependencies to the build.gradle file in the Module project directory
implementation ''
implementation '

# 3.Enabling Native Support

When initializing the SDK, set enableNative: true in config to enableNative support.

var config = {
  appId: "YOUR_APPID", 
  serverUrl: "YOUR_SERVER_URL", 
  enableNative: true, // enable native support
  autoTrack: {
    appLaunch: true, // auto-tracking ta_mp_launch
    appShow: true, // auto-tracking ta_mp_show
    appHide: true, // auto-tracking ta_mp_hide
    pageShow: true, // auto-tracking ta_mp_view
    pageShare: true, // auto-tracking ta_mp_share
    appInstall:true,// auto-tracking ta_app_install(only for native)
    appCrash: true, // auto-tracking ta_app_crash(only for native)

// init
    eventName: "product_buy",
    properties: {
        product_name: "tv"