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# Automatically Track Events

We provide auto-tracking function. You only need to enable the events you need to automatically collect in config when creating the instance. SDK will automatically collect some behaviors of the mini program.

automated data collection is now supported:

  1. mini program initialization,this is triggered only once by a user
  2. mini program active, including startup and background back to foreground
  3. mini program inactive,and record the time of this access (start to the background)
  4. mini program page display or cut into the foreground , automatically record the path of the page and the forward path
  5. mini program to forward and share, automatically record the page when forwarding

the methods for collecting each type of data are described in detail next

# 1. Enable Auto-Tracking

in config, the elements in the autoTrack parameter represent the switch for each auto collection event, set to true to enable auto collection:

var config = {
  appid: "YOU-APP-ID",
  server_url: "",
  autoTrack: {
    appLaunch: true, // auto-tracking ta_mp_launch
    appShow: true, // auto-tracking ta_mp_show
    appHide: true, // auto-tracking ta_mp_hide
    pageShow: true, // auto-tracking ta_mp_view
    pageShare: true, // auto-tracking ta_mp_share
  • appLaunch:auto tracking mini-program launch
  • appShow:auto tracking mini-program active and resume mini-program from the background
  • appHide:auto tracking mini-program enter in background
  • pageShow:auto tracking mini-program page display or enter the foreground
  • pageShare:auto tracking mini-program share

# 2.Detailed Introduction

# 2.1 mini-program initialization

mini-program initialization will be triggered when the mini-program is opened for the first time or when the user kills the process and starts it again. It will only be triggered once in the life cycle of the process. The detailed event is described as follows:

  • event name:ta_mp_launch
  • auto-tracking attributes: #scene, the scene value is taken from the scene value provided by wechat

Through the mini-program initialization event, you can calculate the daily user usage and per-capita user usage, including viewing the usage of users with different scenario values grouped by scenario values.

# 2.2 mini-program active

mini-program active will be triggered when mini-program is started, or when mini-program is called back to the foreground from the background. The detailed event is described as follows:

  • event name:ta_mp_show
  • auto-tracking attributes:
  • #scene,the scene value is taken from the scene value provided by wechat
  • #url_path,page path, mini-program to start the displayed page path

the startup of mini-program is not suitable for direct analysis due to the influence of the call out before and after (many), but it can be used in the behavior path to identify a user's use, can be used as the initial behavior of the user behavior path

# 2.3 mini-program inactive

mini-program inactive will be triggered when the mini-program is called into the background, and record the duration of this use,The detailed event is described as follows:

  • event name:ta_mp_hide
  • auto-tracking attributes:
    • #scene,the scene value is taken from the scene value provided by wechat
    • #duration,The value is a numeric value, indicating the duration from this start (ta_mp_show) to hiding

mini-program inactive events record the usage duration (in seconds), so you can directly calculate the total user usage duration and per capita duration, or you can divide by the initialization times to calculate the single usage duration.

# 2.4 mini-program page display

mini-program page display will be triggered when the page of mini-program is opened, or mini-program from the background back to the front of the page display,will record the path of the page and access to the forward path,the detailed event is described as follows:

  • event name:ta_mp_view
  • auto-tracking attributes:
    • #scene,the scene value is taken from the scene value provided by wechat
    • #url_path,the path of the page being displayed
    • #referrer,forward path: the path of the page before the page is displayed, the path before the jump. If it is the home page displayed when the mini-program is started, the value is "open directly".

with mini-program page display events, you can calculate the pv, uv for each page, and the path the user took to access the mini-program.

# 2.5 mini-program page share

The forwarding and sharing of the mini program page will be triggered when the forwarding button is clicked (including the forwarding button in the navigation bar in the upper right corner and the forwarding button in the page). The detailed event is described as follows:

  • event name:ta_mp_share
  • auto-tracking attributes:
    • #scene,the scene value is taken from the scene value provided by wechat
    • #url_path,the page path where the forwarding occurs

mini program page share events, suitable for page sharing rate analysis, can help you optimize page forwarding.